Raising Girl Shaped Flames

Confidence + Happiness in Teen Girls, with Matt Lee

Tanya Meessmann Season 1 Episode 3

In episode 3 of the Raising Girl Shaped Flames podcast, we are talking about the relationship between confidence and happiness.

When we surveyed over 100 parents last year, we asked the question: "If you could have one hope for your daughter's future, what would it be?" And not surprisingly, over 85% of the respondents answered with, you guessed it: happiness.

So bringing it back to what we focus on at Girl Shaped Flames, the topic really had me wondering: is there a correlation between happiness and confidence? Is a confident young girl guaranteed to be happy or is a happy teenager more likely to have increased confidence to explore those questions?

I invited Matt Lee on as this week's special guest who, in addition to having a long and illustrious very senior career in the aviation industry, he's also a father of five, including two 16 year old twin daughters.

While happiness was the name of the game during our chat, we did find ourselves wandering into some really fascinating additional areas:

  • The challenges that one faces when raising teenage daughter twins.
  • What he as a parent and a father feels that he's getting right.
  • What he's being challenged by as he's attempting to raise confident and capable young adults.
  • How to promote equality between both his sons and his daughters
  • The parallels that can be drawn between confidence that is harnessed in the workplace by executive women in leadership positions
  • The traits that back home he's striving to develop within his daughters to prepare them for the world that awaits

We covered loads!

Straight afterwards, we break out the science with Dr Diane Harner's 9 Minutes of Neuroscience where we really look at how the teenage brain behaves when happiness is activated, looking at those reward systems and she is going to talk to us about the link that DOES exist between confidence and happiness.

Stick around for that...


Diane's put together a fantastic a happiness infographic that maps out some really fascinating statistics and aspects of happiness that are going to be great for you to reflect on after this episode.

Also don't forget to sign up to our mailing list. You'll get a reminder of new podcast episodes each week as well as more great confidence resources and information for both yourself and your daughter!

Let's get into it!