Raising Girl Shaped Flames

Confidence + Setting Boundaries in Teen Girls, with Erica Berchtold

Tanya Meessmann Season 1 Episode 5

In today’s episode we’re speaking with The Iconic’s CEO and mother of 3, Erica Berchtold, about the role confidence plays in setting boundaries for teenage girls.

Erica shares with us insights into her own experience setting both personal and professional boundaries, and looks back on own youth to determine whether she was intentional about devising her boundaries or whether they were ‘circumstantial’. 

Straight afterward, Dr Diane Harner and I dive into my favourite nine minutes of every week: her ‘9 Minutes of Neuroscience’ where we really start looking at the psychological building blocks that need to be put in place early on to empower a young girl to set, and keep, personal boundaries. 

As we know, boundaries really represent our individual values and principles, and it’s essential that they are in place in order to lead lives that not only we can be proud of, but that show how much we respect ourselves. 

I was especially fascinated in this episode to dig into the role that confidence plays, and how much one really needs in order to shape and stick to their boundaries, as well as look at specific strategies parents can utilise to support their daughter to do so. 

00:58   Introduction

04:40   Interview: Erica Berchtold, CEO of The Iconic

34:47   About our Stronger Than You Know Course

36:10   9 Minutes of Neuroscience with Dr Diane Harner

46:19    Wrap-up


Diane's put together a fantastic a setting boundaries reference sheet that maps out the steps your daughter can take in order to set her own boundaries, and hold them.


Erica Berchtold is the CEO of THE ICONIC, previous Managing Director of the Sports Division at Super Retail Group, currently a director of Sydney FC Football Club and proud mum of two daughters and a son.

She’s incredibly passionate about supporting women in both business and sport, and actively mentors women within both fields. She’s also an accomplished keynote speaker who values courage, humility, resilience and curiosity.