Raising Girl Shaped Flames

Confidence: Let's hear from the Girls!

Tanya Meessmann Season 1 Episode 7

This week we're hearing from the GIRLS! One of our absolute most favourite things at Girl Shaped Flames is to connect with the girls themselves as regularly as we can, so we sent our resident Grade 12 Girl Shaped Flame Charlotte out into the playground to unearth what's on their mind when it comes to all things CONFIDENCE. 

And we loved what we heard!!

Tune in this episode to gain some fantastic insights about:

  • What girls believe confidence 'is'
  • What helps their confidence
  • What hinders it...
  • What they would do if they had more of it
  • What their parents can to do help build it
  • And loads more!

Charlotte also offers her own thoughts and insights around what's going on for her generation of girls right now, including the most powerful thing a parent can do to help start building their daughter's confidence as early as possible.

PLUS! In this episode we're celebrating an awesome "Confidence Is Key" COMPETITION we're running with partners RED by Modibodi and Bright Girl Health.  Open to Australian residents over the age of 13, we want to know "What does Confidence mean to you?" and you'll go into the running to win a super exciting Confidence pack! (Competition closes 5pm AEST Friday 10th July, see Terms and Conditions for details).

ENTER HERE: https://comp.girlshapedflames.com

And finally, we mention our Stronger Than You Know online self-paced course for girls in the episode - it's a really powerful tool for them to understand their own strengths, values and goals and well worth checking out here: https://girlshapedflames.com/styk-course